DevtPlan Consult::Workshop Pictures

Thursday, 14 July 2011

SME Business Development in Ghana

DevtPlan Consult: Small and Medium Scale Business Development.

Small and medium scale enterprises (SME) has become a common venture for Ghanaian businesses, most especially to the residence of Kumasi and its environs. We at DevtPlan Consult, believe that SME’s should be encouraged to increase the employment level of most Ghanaians,no wonder DevtPlan Consult is the leading consultancy firm in Kumasi when it comes to small and medium scale business development.

How do we achieve that?
At DevtPlan consult,we offer training and research services for the development of small and medium scale businesses ranging from corporate diagnostic and institutional assessment studies, development of business and marketing plans, project feasibility studies among others.  Our customized training programs enables our clients develop business mastery, help individuals build skills to internalize and apply best industry practices to improve business results. 

We have developed specialized products and services for small and medium scale businesses in the informal sector such as “Lift Up Your Business” and “One For Ten Business Plan Package”
Do you want More?
if you are a Small and medium scale enterprise (SME) in Kumasi or any part of Ghana and would love to know more about our products and services, particularly Lift Up Your Business” and “One For Ten Business Plan Package” Why don’t you give as a call on 024 4666458 / 024 4694634/026 6598157 or walk into our office located at Plot Number 8A Block IX, Asafo- Dadiesoaba, opposite the offices of the registrar general’s department, Kumasi. Alternatively, you can drop as a mail at
Thank You.

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